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Officially established as a legal museum in November 1993, the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 286 has stored an impressive collection of donated artefacts for over twenty years. A tragic flood in 2013 destroyed all donor documentation, it caused damage to the building structure and part of the collection. The Sikh spiritual community initially stepped in to provide, invaluable, limited support. But the room has been largely unattended since.

"Never in the history of human conflict, was so much owed to so many by so few."
Winston Churchill
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Then in 2021, museology graduate Francesco Bori, who identifies as neuro-diverse, first stepped into the room known as "Memory Lounge", and was instantly inspired by the challenge of transforming the hoarded collection into a visitable museum for the very first time. Francesco's plan was instantly approved by branch President Ron Gregory who has family ties to the Legion. Phases of work began in July of 2021 thanks to support from a team of other museologists, colleagues of Francesco. The concept behind the Legion Experience Museum was conceived by Francesco and Ron's common vision of presenting an experience for reflection - rather than a "war" museum. It is a space for all ages and abilities to come and remember history respecting those who sacrificed so much. Special priority is being given to the less-exposed stories of women, Indigenous peoples, international, diverse and 2SLGBTQ+ peoples during times of conflict. The experience features a special educational element for youth and schools. 

The relatively small space includes the collection of military artefacts which have been donated to the legion by legion members, veterans, active service-people, community groups and individuals from around the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). Given Francesco's extensive multimedia background, creative audio-visual effects will enhance the storytelling experience for visitors.


We are all passionate volunteers, we do need ongoing help and have a Patreon page for support - please contribute if you can. Follow our social channels (links below) to meet the team and receive regular special updates. 


Visit the Coronation Branch 286 website


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The Legion Experience Museum acknowledges that this museum sits on what has been the ancestral lands of the Wendat, the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, and the Anishinabek Nation, including the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation, since time immemorial to today.

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